Interior Lights
Apollo Qiao Guals Trojan Rancher Mg-hbl-ta Verona Interior Catalog
Solar Lights
Diano Cleo Hybrid Led Diano20
Deco Street Lights
Sky1 Sky2 Coral Varese Brescia Cortina +Leonardo2 Florence Milan Pan Pisa Roma Sirena Urbino Yorus Evo-blc Evo-tp
Road Lights
Cleo20 Cleo20/21 Cleo20-23 Cleo20/24
Flood Lights
Palermo20R Palermor18 Palermon2018r Palermo Palermo20R Palermo21 Palermo20 Spoleto21 Verona Perugia Verona SHP Turino Erto
Our Services
Photobiological spectrum tests The rapid adoption of LED lighting and its applications may cause various safety issues. An excess of radiation can lead to eye and skin diseases. These are addressed by the Standard 62471 for the photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems, which assesses the radiation hazards from all types of lamps or […]