Accessibility Statement

At Migdal-Or Lighting Engineering, we place utmost importance on providing equitable service to all our customers, including visitors to our website, We invest considerable effort and resources to make our company’s website accessible.

Actions taken to improve accessibility on the site:
1. **Compliance**: The site is optimized for viewing and supported by common browsers.
2. **Content**: The site’s content is written in a simple and clear manner. The contents are divided into several content levels, each divided into different topics.
3. **Links**: Links on the site are made accessible and easily identifiable.
4. **Images**: Use of alternative text for images (alt text).
5. **Design**: Designs suitable for users with visual impairments are embedded in the site.
6. **Website Structure**: The site is based on easy and clear navigation and information menus constructed using lists to allow simple and quick orientation on the site.
7. **Accessibility Menu**: An accessibility menu is installed on the site. Clicking on the menu enables the opening of accessibility buttons.

Accessibility menu options:
– Navigation by keyboard.
– Access to the contact form.
– Control over font size on the site.
– Stopping moving elements and blocking flashes.
– Selection of color contrast based on dark or light background.
– Adjustment for color blindness.
– Access to the accessibility statement.
– Closing the accessibility component.

Accessibility Disclaimer

We would like to note that despite our efforts to make all pages on the site accessible, some parts of the site may still be inaccessible (whether due to third-party sites and/or technological limitations). As part of our commitment to allow use of our company’s website by all our customers, including people with disabilities, we continue our efforts to maintain and improve accessibility as much as possible, with a vision of equal rights and opportunities for all users.

Contact Us

If, despite our efforts, you encounter difficulties, we would appreciate any feedback, ideas, and suggestions regarding accessibility through the contact form on the site. For us to address the issue most effectively, please include as much detail as possible:
– Description of the problem you encountered.
– What action were you trying to perform?
– On which page did you navigate?
– Which browser did you use?

We will address the issue and get back to you as soon as possible with details about the resolution.

Our company’s accessibility officer, David, will be happy to assist you via email at [email protected]

Publishing Information About Accessibility Arrangements

Migdal-Or Lighting Engineering places great importance on providing equitable service to all its customers and improving service to customers with disabilities. To this end, our organization works and promotes the issue of accessibility. We view customers with disabilities as equal-rights customers, entitled to full accessibility to the company’s assets and services. If you have questions or improvement suggestions, we are happy to receive your inquiries and assist.

Accessibility of Migdal-Or Lighting Engineering Offices

Our offices are accessible to disabled persons and allow wheelchair access.
Our office is located at Shlomo Ben Yosef 18, Kiryat Ata, and features an accessible entrance.

– **Customer Service Email**: For any question or issue, you can contact us via email at [email protected]
– **Customer Service Phone**: We are happy to assist you at the company’s customer service center at 04-8525244

We look forward to receiving inquiries for information and/or improvement suggestions in order to enhance our customer service.

Accessibility Toolbar